Tuesday, 11 August 2015


Nausea is an unpleasant sensation that arises usually due to ones upset stomach conditions with an urge to vomit and most probably you already have experienced it several times. Simply, you can call it as the state which precedes vomiting. It is not a disease itself, but actually a symptom related to other disorders of our body.
Stress in any form is not good for health. Especially if the stress is of emotional nature then it worsen the condition. One of the main causes of nausea is carrying of stress especially if it is carried for a long period.

When a woman gets pregnant, she often feels the urge to vomit, and it is common to almost 80% women. Therefore, nausea can be caused in case of women by pregnancy at their early stages.

Mint and lemon can be boiled in water too for one of the home remedies for nausea. Honey can then be added to the mixture, when the water cools down a little, and the water can then be sipped. This can be prepared and consumed 2-3 times a day for relief from nausea.

Put 3 slices of fresh ginger in a cup, add boiling water, and brown sugar to taste. Drink warm. Leave the ginger in the cup and top it up with more water 1 or 2 times throughout the day if necessary.

Eat foods high in fiber and in small amounts. Foods like bananas, rice, apple sauce, toast can help.

Vomiting once in the state of nausea can be helpful as this will throw the unwanted substances out of the stomach which may be behind the occurrence of nausea.

Two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in 8oz`s of water can help some causes of nausea. This remedy is particularly good if it is morning sickness or mild food poisoning. Vinegar has been used from early times to prevent food poisoning and to reduce contaminates in water that might make one ill.
Peppermint herb tea often works great. Add a half to a whole teaspoon of honey and you have a great natural remedy for nausea. This remedy also helps you feel more calm which is useful at this time.

Chewing pepper mint or a gum or mouth freshener containing pepper mint can help a lot. As mint is a helpful herb in settling or relaxing the stomach it will reduce the feeling of vomiting.

Peppermint oil can be added to the bathtub and the aroma can be enjoyed for a bit sometime. Steam can also be inhaled from the boiling water and ginger can be added to it. It can be a worthy medicine serving nausea.

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